Archive for September 28, 2024




In part one I merely summarized that life is a game and one should carry on the honest, good and ethical KARMA and offer the same to Lord Krishna. Our duty is to perform KARMA that is destined for us, without worrying about the future, which is in the hands of The Lord Krishna.

This sounds simple but in reality we make our life highly complex by entering into far too many races in the game of life. Race to earn more money, race to have a social status, race to keep our family happy, race to marry the most suitable loved partner, race to acquire lot of power, fame and wealth. We want to achieve all ASAP. We are in a hurry. And the race is highly competitive. We are willing to easily sacrifice even morals and ethics. We stop trusting everybody and lose no opportunity of back stabbing.

Such feelings, situations and mindset, if not prevented from going out of control, would lead to anarchy. No society can sustain and progress unless there is some discipline in adhering to certain rules, dos and don’ts with standard sets of morals and ethics.

Wise people of earlier generation of the sapiens therefore created the wonderful concept of God and basically stated that good behavior will be rewarded and bad behavior will be punished by God. The idea was wonderfully marketed by the saints. They delivered lectures, created stories and poems, wrote numerous scholarly, exhaustive, innovative and still simple scriptures. This movement led to different versions in different parts of the world in which the same concept was marketed and as the time passed, they got to be known as different religions.

Unfortunately, it is a fact that the fear of God and faith in God gets shaken since the mad race to achieve the targets and attain worldly success lures even the best of us to enter this unhealthy competition.

For an individual it is not possible to exist without performing his KARMA and wise people try to stay out of the races and do a solo run because, they realize that life is a game and wining or loosing does not make any difference in the overall scheme of things in the universe. They enjoy the game to the fullest non the less because that is your KARMA.

What say you ?


There are a few questions that keep propping up in our mind. For seeking answers to the same, we set our mind, our intellect, our experiences, our observations, our believes, our prejudices etc all in a pot churn them and still crave to find a satisfactory answer.

One such question is :

Why a person after having earned tens and thousands crore of rupees keep amassing more and more wealth despite knowing that ultimately at the end of life he or she is not going to carry any up. Even after perhaps knowing very well that money, wealth is not everything in life.

After a bit of churning my mind I tend to feel that in actual practice, more by default than by design people behave as if life ultimately is the game that we play. We as sapiens are good at developing imaginations and we set up various races. This thought came to my mind while playing my favorite game of “Temple Run” on my tablet. One imagines oneself as the person on the track who runs, crosses hurdles, gains points and ultimately falters which ends the game. We immediately set up the next race with an attempt to score more points.

In actual life, we being sapiens even set up more than one race simultaneously. Race to earn more money, race to have a social status, race to keep our family happy, race to marry the most suitable loved partner, race to acquire lot of power and so many such races.

And , if we take life as a game, like the one on our mobile, in which one can run simultaneous races then life continues to be interesting. If you fail to score in a particular race, you can try again or you concentrate more on the other games or set up the race again.

In such situation, one does not feel excessively happy nor excessively sad by winning or losing a particular race since, one understands that there are many games that he or she is playing and many a times you can set up the race again.
Interestingly, this matches quite well with the KARMA theory propagated by Lord Krishna in GITA.

Why worry because ultimately, it’s all in a game.


The latest budget presented by Hon’ble Finance Minister has tried to earn many brownies (credits) for introducing the concept of internship.It is stated in the budget speech itself that Rs.5000/- per month per intern will be financed through the budget in addition to Rs.6000/- to be paid extra for worker on his or her enrollment as an intern. In other words, the trainees will get at least Rs.5000/- per month for a duration of 1 year. It is further stated that the top 500 companies (employers) will be able to employ such trainees and the total number to trainees anticipated is 10 million over the next five years. This means 2 million additional jobs will be created each year by top 500 companies. In other words, on an average each one of the 500 companies will employ 40,000 interns every year.

A simple look at these numbers indicates that this is a highly ambitious and probably impossible target to meet for the 500 companies. Even if 5000 companies are identified then the annual target of additional employment will come to 4000 interns.

This is also almost as ambitious as before.This also raises a number of questions, the answers of which are still awaited.

1.What exactly will be the administrative arrangement to decide who is entitled (employer and employee)? What would be the selection process and how the funds will be disbursed? Direct to the intern or to the employer?

2.This will create room for nearly 40,000 interns per employer if we take the budget’s speech as reference which states that 500 employers are identified. This will be a huge number and feasibility is a question.

3.If the employer gets such support (indirect subsidy) would it not lead to a temptation to reduce their existing employment strength of unskilled and skilled workforce and filling up the vacancy through such interns who are willing to work at very low and almost nil cost?

I will only be too happy to stand corrected if there is any gross error in my understanding because to my mind the announcements made by the Finance Minister are too big, too vague and too good!