Middle class in middle of GST

It is the fact, worth being proud of, that the collection of GST in India is consistently crossing the expected levels. In fact, it is being looked upon as a major source of funds for the economy. But the fact remains that it is an indirect tax. It hits each one of us. A toothpaste bought by a common man will have the same element of GST as the GST element which the richest individual will bear. This causes an area of concern. I wonder as to whether there can be any method by which the lower...

Rating The Candidates !

It is a fact that ultimately we vote for a candidate and we are supposed to consider various factors before casting our votes. but how much attention we give towards knowing the candidate who is supposed to represent our constituency ? Whether he has been of help and assistance and is concerned about the well being of his voters ? Should a voter not Rate the candidates , in some systematic manner before knowing who is a more deserving candidate ?In fact various factors will have to be kept in mi...

Tackling COVID in India : An Overview

Everyone is aware about the catastrophically spread of COVID in India in its Second Phase. Much is said, written and shown  by the media and public, to the extent that we are literally made to believe that we are the worst performers as far as combating CORONA is concerned  .  Everyday, such views are floated with improved editing and  stronger flavor. I do not wish to indulge into that regime of criticism and its debate , which many a times takes political colors.But I would like to stat...

Amal Datt Dhru Show

So happy to share my YouTube channel - Amal Datt Dhru Show on the finance fundas with you..It is.my humble attempt to simplify the understanding of the complex world of finance.. The series of 5 lectures will cover various aspects to demystify the complex world of Finance.
Kindly Click below to watch our latest youtube video..... Please Subscribe, Like, Share and Comment and give your valuabl...

Suggestions Towards Steps To Revive Indian Economy

SOME SUGGESTIONS TOWARDS GIVING A KICK START and TO BOOST India's ECONOMIC GROWTH By……. Mr. Amal Dhru (FCA,MBA(IIMA) , amaldhruv@amaldatt.com (M) 9825015534 1.. The Union BUDGET a…. It is round the corner. Many suggestions are already made towards reduction in Personal as well as Corporate Income Tax. However it has to be noted that Tax to GDP Ratio in our economy is very low . So we have to look at corporate rates separately. As far as lowering the Income Ta...