Rating The Candidates !

It is a fact that ultimately we vote for a candidate and we are supposed to consider various factors before casting our votes.
but how much attention we give towards knowing the candidate who is supposed to represent our constituency ? Whether he has been of help and assistance and is concerned about the well being of his voters ? Should a voter not Rate the candidates , in some systematic manner before knowing who is a more deserving candidate ?In fact various factors will have to be kept in mind while rating , to name a few
1.. his age , qualification
2. his cast and religion ( though controversial, it is a fact that this aspect is an aspect that is kept in mind
3, the political party that he /she belongs to
4. If elected , is he/she be able to play an effective role ?
5.. is he personally known and approachable in case of need ?
6.. His/her track record as a politician ( a turn coat?, facing various charges, etc ?
7.. his general image as an honest and committed leader .
8… and the list can be extended

A list like this should than be given weightage for each criterian and each voter can give his own marks .
A result will at least give a fair enough guidance to the voter .

There are many rating agencies and NGOs active in this field around and someone can take such an idea forward.

Mind you, our average citizen is quite intelligent and he has proved this time and again in the past . A similar exercise would . I am sure will equip him to a good extent to cast his vote more intelligently. He may or may not vote for the highest mark getting candidate but in case he does not, he will at least know the opportunity loss / cost . He/she will be less volnurable to media attcks, false promises , emotional and social pressures etc .
If rating is so critical in commercial world, why not here ? …

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