The recent news that even CAs, engineers, MBAs applied for a job of a peon.
This news set my mind on a thinking mode.

Why should one not be satisfied with a Small Time job and take up minimum responsibilities? Why should one always aspire to be an employer and not an employee?

Set your standards of living and earn enough to meet them. If your Ego and Needs are reasonable, finding a suitable employment is perhaps better than taking up the headache of running a 24*7 outfit, full of responsibilities and unsure success

I am sure this thought goes through the minds of many, particularly if the person is a Start Up or an MSME entrepreneur.

To understand the issue, one need to understand the basic assumptions that one makes .Many of them may not hold true and one MUST re affirm them.

1. All entrepreneurs do not Make Awful lot of profit .It is not necessary that you will always be successful as an entrepreneur in making the two ends meet.

2. If you default in meeting your obligations under any of the applicable laws ( it is a task to even finally know what all laws are applicable to you and your business ) , the law enforcing authorities are certainly not over sympathetic or generous towards any defaulters, not even towards start ups or MSME . Corrupt practices to overcome default are certainly not advisable nor are they economical and sustainable in the long run.

So please take up a good risk assessment and use the smartly before plunging.

I am sorry if someone finds this thought demotivating but one cannot and should not overlook realities.

Knowing this well, those who still plunge into “going on their own”, certainly should be sure of a good success in taming the known and unknown risk in satisfying their need of achievement, desired standard of living and fulfillment of their dreams .

I do compliment them and wish them luck.

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