Budget Expectations

The Budget Fever is picking up for the Budget 2016.
We all have read and heard many opinions and expectations .
Details apart, the following is quite visible and desirable


1… Reduce the burden of tax of common man by enhacing the exemption limit
2… Provide addition in ceiling of Sec 80C to provide incentive towards savings
3… The Exemption limit and 80C limits be made inflation adjustible henceforth
4…Enhance HRA, Edu Allo, Hosing loan interest etc deductions
5… Make Pension schemes more attractive
6… No TDS on Interest income from Banks upto Rs 50,000 pa
7… Withdraw in phases, the additional depreciation and similar incentives
8… Simplifications in Transfer pricing and normal assessment procedures
9… Reduce the Corporate rate of taxation


1… Increase in Service Tax on certain services
2… Enhancing Wealth Tax and reintroduction of Estate Duty


Various Rural Schemes will be announced . NAREGA will be streamlined. Strict action against defaulting borrowers( NPA) will be announced

On the whole it will be a consumer oriented budget, giving higher purchasing power . The dependance on market borrowing and PPP will enhace substentially

NOW, LET’S Wait and Watch

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