“Financial Untouchability”

Cudos to the Hon PM Of India for coining a word ” Financial Untouchability” for the ailment that exists in the banking sector, all over. There has certainly been a tendency on part of the banks to entertain large clients. Large accounts take relatively lesser time and provide a healthy financial rewards, so to say. This tendency is thus quite natural but this should not deny an opportunity to others who are, albeit small and marginal, but deserving nonetheless . Excessive time to be spent in bringing the BPL citizens into the main banking channel , fear of NPSs in advancing credits to MSME and Agriculture sector, inadequacy of reliable information flow from these sectors etc become unbearable for the banks who are struggling to attain a decent bottom line . But avoiding these sections of society is not in the interest of the economy and society . However it needs to be noted that just opening of new accounts and awarding some financial incentives will not solve the larger problem. For addressing the issue the bankers will have to be motivated and adequate control systems will have to be placed in line, in order to ensure that the desired results that the PM and all of us are looking forward to are attained.

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